• Please pray for the work in Indonesia. There are many challenges and opposition, especially churches in North Aceh going through intense persecution. Pray for the church planting work in other parts of Indonesia – for protection, security and courage.

JAPAN (Michelle)

• Thank God for all the Christmas activities. Pray that the Christmas message will stay with all of us. Thank God for providing warm clothes! A lady at a temporary housing gave me warm house wear and I now wear it all the time when I’m at home. The December team left a waterproof jacket and pants behind and it’s perfect for playing in the snow!

• Sally and I have not been meeting as often for bible study but we still enjoy doing bible study together very much. I visited the shoe lady with another Christian postcard and she was happy to see me. It’s hard to invite her to church though, because of her work schedule.

• My friend from Kyoto has been a huge blessing and I pray that she’ll come volunteer again with more friends. We met at our university’s bible study club when I was on exchange 6 years ago. I never thought I would get to work with her here and wash dishes together in the kasetsu.

• Pray for me to rely on God’s peace and wisdom when working. Pray for enough rest and good health. Thank God for friends and a lovely Christmas and break.


• Pray for Paul’s trip to Java (Feb 1 – 5) to meet with our partners to work on two upcoming projects with OC Indonesia. The first is a Vision trip in early May and the other a Medical Missions team from September 30 – October 8.

• Financial provisions for 2016 family and ministry expenses

HONG KONG (Kenneth & Judy)

• Better health for my family (All five of us, especially the three young girls, have continued to get sick these past 2 months)

• Smooth application & interviewing process to receive our new OCHK worker Victoria Yang (specialist in sports and children ministries)

• Kenneth’s ongoing training in Transformational Coaching (through Coach Masters Academy – based in Singapore). Judy’s ongoing study at Hong Kong Institute of Education (MA in Child Development and Family Education)

• Financial provisions for 2016 family and ministry expenses